The SimplyRETS API is designed for simplicity:

$ curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ''
        "address": {
            "city": "Katy",
            "country": "HARRIS",
            "full": "26719 Outback Dr",
            "postalCode": "77493",
            "streetName": "Outback Dr",
            "streetNumber": 26719

Narrow your results by using the search interface:

$ curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ''

Access a single property listing by the MLS identifier:

$ curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ''

Locate the latitude and longitude of a property listing in the response body:

  "geo": {
    "lat": 29.92939,
    "lng": -95.704799,

Using the latitude and longitude, your app can generate a geospatial query for listings. Below is a sample query which will filter property listings contained within the polygon.

$ curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets -X GET \
        --data points='29.723837146389066,-95.69778442382812' \
        --data points='29.938275329718987,-95.69778442382812' \
        --data points='29.938275329718987,-95.32974243164061' \
        --data points='29.723837146389066,-95.32974243164061' \

Paste this one-liner into your terminal:

$ curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ',-95.69778442382812&points=29.938275329718987,-95.69778442382812&points=29.938275329718987,-95.32974243164061&points=29.723837146389066,-95.32974243164061'

Check out the tutorial for creating a map-based real estate search and see the live demo application.

Visit our interactive documentation to work with the SimplyRETS API in real time.

Sign up and get started with SimplyRETS today!