When making requests to the SimplyRETS API, you can receive a maximum of 500 listings per page. There are often cases in which you’ll want to get the next page of data for the same search query; for example, if a user clicks “Next” or if you are replicating the dataset.

There are two ways to go about this: Using limit and offset, or using lastId pagination This help topic will introduce you to lastId pagination and how to integrate it with your API requests. lastId pagination is particularly useful if you are replicating the dataset.

A complete example

  • 1. Make your first query with lastId=0

    By making your API query with the lastId=0 parameter, the API knows to sort the listings in the response by .mlsId. For example:

    curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ‘https://api.simplyrets.com/properties?limit=10&lastId=0’

    (Note: you can use any limit up to 500)

  • 2. Get the .mlsId of the last listing in the response

    Within your code, save the .mlsId field from the last listing in the response. This ID will be used to get the next page of listings. In other words, you’re telling the API the last id you got back, so that the API can give you the next page.

    Using the response from the query in step 1, the last .mlsId is 1005173:

      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { mlsId: 1005173, ...rest }
  • 3. Make the next query with lastId={lastMlsId}

    Once you’ve processed the data from the first request and are ready to fetch more listings, use the .mlsId you saved from step 2 and use it in the lastId parameter for the next request.

    curl -u simplyrets:simplyrets ‘https://api.simplyrets.com/properties?limit=10&lastId=1005173’

And that’s it! Now you’re successfully paginating through results from the API.

If all of this sounds like a lot of work to keep track of, you’re in luck. The SimplyRETS API calculates these pagination links for you beforehand and returns in the response headers. For example, here are the headers from the same example as above:

curl -I -u simplyrets:simplyrets 'https://api.simplyrets.com/properties?limit=10&lastId=0'

Link: <https://api.simplyrets.com/properties?lastId=1005173&limit=10>; rel="next"
X-SimplyRETS-Media-Type: vnd.simplyrets-v0.1
X-Total-Count: 65

Note that the Link header contains a pre-built link to query for the next page of data, and marks it with a rel="next" tag. If you are multiple pages in to a query, there will additionally be a rel="prev" link to go back to the previous page of results.